Excerpts & Artwork

“While a good portion of North America suffered under extreme cold conditions during the glacial maximums, the extended land mass of pre-Florida was a temperate zone. It was also a haven for the megafauna of the Ice Age. Mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed cats, ground sloths, camels, horses, giant armadillos and a number of others, all roamed the central savanna-like landscape. Evidence suggests that into this large, widened peninsula many animals migrated seasonally looking to avoid the northern cold and seeking food. Massive migratory herds of horses, mammoths and other animals, wandered deep into prehistoric Florida. Along with these migratory herbivores were numerous carnivores following their meal plan. Among them wandering into this prehistoric countryside were the large cousins of today’s wolf; Canis dirus or the Dire Wolf.”
“Near the end it was getting hard for you to eat. Your life on the prehistoric Florida savanna had been a long one. For over twenty years you had roamed and grazed on this vast land as part of an enormous migratory herd of Ice Age horses. Modern humans would have a hard time distinguishing you from today’s horses. In fact, your body was so similar that today’s scientists will debate for years as to whether you were from the same species as your future distant descendants. Your teeth, your skull, your bone morphology were almost identical. So similar that we can infer your behaviors, your diet, and your reproductive cycles that were also probably identical to your modern descendants. And one other thing we know for sure about you is that you came from a population that ranged in the millions. You might just have been the most populous land animals in all of Ice Age Florida.”